Extension Africa

Get access to reliable extension agents anywhere in Africa

Call us today on 0907-666-6065

Building a connected and profitable supply chain

Full transformation of African agriculture requires efficient supply chains of improved seeds, appropriate fertilizers and premium markets for rural farmers and agro-industries.
Supporting Farmers is a B2B model. We only win by making sure farmers win too.

Input Marketing

Demo Plots Management

Agricultural input use is most effective when combined with good agronomic practices and improved seeds. Reaching this objective requires having strong extension system. We support input companies with establishment and management of demo plots, mass awareness through field schools and farmer-to-farmer learning.

Access to Sales Outlets

Troubled with the decision of establishing sales outlets? Let’s work together through our sales outlets carefully selected within farming communities and supported with networks of agrodealers and field extension agents.

Insights & Advisors

Get data-driven insights and feedback from input application to help in your sales projection and decision making on product-market fit

Linkage to rural vendors Networks

Connect with our expanding network of rural agrodealers to improve the availability and access of quality inputs in rural areas.

After-sales Technical Support

For collaborating with us, you'll receive a bonus: access to on-call field agents ready to offer after-sales technical support to farmers whenever needed.

Commodity Sourcing and Market Linkage

Grain Sourcing Services

As an agro-processor or export firm, one consistent bottle- neck is sourcing raw materials to meet your factory capacity. Accessing smallholder farmers for direct supply can be daunting. But not anymore! We have created a strong extension system, network of farmers and a dedicated operations team to support your factory’s potential through personalized, data-driven market advisory and risk management services to help you maximize the value of your investment.

Farmer Management Services

We have an effective system in place that optimizes resource utilization in the farm component. This system ensures active farmer engagement, the use of high-quality inputs, increased productivity, and reduces post-harvest losses. We achieve these goals by providing sound technical and advisory assistance, as well as implementing evidence-based strategies. Our simple yet effective model, utilizes mobile phones and field agents to oversee field operations. This allows us to access transparent data about fields and ongoing activities. By providing timely and necessary information, we help our clients plan effectively and improve their supply chain processes.

Insights & Advisors

Get insights you need to make knowledgeable decisions developed by agricultural economists and leveraged by Advisors delivering customized marketing solutions for your farm.

Service Marketing

Connect with multiple booking agents

Building network of field agents with a minimum of 200 rural farmers each increases your market share as a farmer service provider. We are here to help you get more access to modern technologies and products that would enhance farmers productivity and income.

Awareness Programs

We can help in increasing acceptance and adoption of innovation through creating mass awareness of existing technologies to last mile farmers by our field agents.

Insights & Advisors

Get data-driven insights and feedback from input application to help in your sales projection and decision making on product-market fit

Financial Inclusion

Agency Banking

We have an effective system to help your reach to rural areas. Its one thing for a farmer to have an account, it is another thing to use the account for your regular business. We have the capacity for BVN registration and account opening of farmers, awareness on the benefits and guidance on how to subscribe to financial products that will help their business survival. Let’s bridge this gap together!

Loan Monitoring & Evaluation

We deploy monitoring agents with digital tools and technology to enhance last-mile input delivery, production and harvest tracking and loan recovery.

Business Development Support

Our lead extension agents are trained by reputable business training institutes. These agents provide business development support to cooperative farmers, agrodealers and women-led businesses. Connect with these agents to access reliable MSMEs. and increase your financial footprint.

You're Only One Step Away!

Give us a call or fill out our onboarding form! We are here to help you. Or Call +234 800 000 000